Steinke Physical Education Center

The Department of Health and Kinesiology's main office is located in the Steinke Physical Education Center (SPEC), built in 1970 and renovated in 1995. In addition to faculty and staff offices, the facility houses classrooms, a 50m heated indoor swimming pool with diving well, a bowling alley, racquetball courts, and tennis courts. The SPEC also houses a gymnasium which is the venue for many TAMUK and community events, and is home to TAMUK's NCAA Division II basketball and volleyball teams.

Front of SPEC building
Steinke Physical Education Center

The Department of Health and Kinesiology's main office is located in the Steinke Physical Education Center (SPEC), built in 1970 and renovated in 1995. In addition to faculty and staff offices, the facility houses classrooms, a 50m heated indoor swimming pool with diving well, a bowling alley, racquetball courts, and tennis courts.  The SPEC also houses a gymnasium which is the venue for many TAMUK and community events, and is home to TAMUK's NCAA Division II basketball and volleyball teams.

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